The upcoming election is critical for our nation, our state and our communities. US News Express, as an independent English and Chinese bilingual online news outlet, endorses the following qualified candidates based upon their views on key issues and our readers’ reviews and feedback.
John Cox for Governor
According to John Cox, high taxes, fees and job killing regulations make the housing in California unaffordable, and are the key reason that California has the highest poverty rate in the nation.
Cox flatly rejects “sanctuary state” policies that have allowed violent criminal aliens to escape prosecution. He favors what he calls “smart immigration” that favors those with skills needed to fill specific worker shortages instead of competing with Americans for jobs. He also supports securing the border to stem the flow of illegal guns and human trafficking that’s plaguing our inner cities.
Jim McDonnell for Sheriff of Los Angeles County
Jim McDonnell was elected County Sheriff of Los Angeles in 2014 with the strong support of voters across Los Angeles County. As Sheriff, he worked with a broad coalition of community stakeholders to implement critical reform efforts within the Department.
Sheriff McDonnell has been a reformer throughout his career. His goal is continue the progress that has been made to build greater transparency, modernize the jail facilities, and strengthen community relations, making the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department the premier law enforcement agency in the nation.