California State Treasurer Fiona Ma Announces CalPERS and UC Investments as Keynote Speakers at the California Investment Forum

California State Treasurer Fiona Ma Announces CalPERS and UC Investments as Keynote Speakers at the California Investment Forum

In a landmark announcement, California State Treasurer Fiona Ma has confirmed that CalPERS (California Public Employees’ Retirement System) and UC Investments (Office of the Chief Investment Officer of the Regents) will join forces to keynote at this year’s California Investment Forum (CIF). This pivotal session marks a significant milestone in the world of institutional investment, showcasing a powerhouse collaboration that promises to influence investment strategies statewide and beyond.

Treasurer Ma expressed her enthusiasm about the partnership: “Bringing CalPERS and UC Investments together at the CIF is not just a win for California, but for the broader financial community. Their collective insights and strategic prowess in managing two of the largest investment funds in the nation are unparalleled. This session is poised to be one of the most significant in the history of the forum.”

CalPERS, the nation’s largest public pension fund, and UC Investments, responsible for managing the University of California’s massive portfolio, oversee a combined asset total that reaches into the hundreds of billions of dollars. Their joint appearance at CIF, scheduled to take place later this year in Sacramento, represents a historic opportunity for attendees to glean insights from leaders at the forefront of public and educational fund management.

The keynote address by these two titans of the investment world is expected to cover a range of pressing topics, including the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into their investment decisions, the challenges posed by current global financial trends, and strategies for long-term, sustainable investment.

“This is a bigger deal than ever before,” said CIF Chairman Daniel Sieu. “The impact of having both CalPERS and UC Investments on one stage cannot be overstated. Their expertise not only shapes the landscape of pension and educational fund management but also sets trends that affect global investment policies.”

The California Investment Forum is eagerly anticipating this session, expecting it to attract a wide audience from across the financial sector, including fund managers, institutional investors, policymakers, and academics. As we move closer to the event, the buzz within the financial community continues to grow, underscoring the critical role of innovative and sustainable investment strategies in today’s economic landscape.

Attendees and observers alike are encouraged to register early, Don’t miss your chance to be part of this landmark event. Visit our website now to purchase your ticket and secure your spot at the CIF. as this groundbreaking keynote is expected to be a cornerstone of this year’s CIF, setting new standards for dialogue and collaboration in the investment world.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this landmark event. Visit our website now to purchase your ticket and secure your spot at the CIF. Join us for a compelling exploration of the challenges and opportunities facing today’s investment landscape.


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