LA County Supervisor Janice Hahn to Serve as Board Chair for Incoming Year

Hahn will Implement Changes to Increase Public’s Ability to Participate in Board Meetings

Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn. (Keyang Pang / UNE)

LOS ANGELES – Fourth District Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn will become Chair of the Board on Tuesday, December 6 when current chair, Second District Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell passes the gavel during the regular scheduled Board meeting.

The role of the Chair is to preside over the Board meetings and is rotated every year by each Supervisor.

Hahn announced her focus as Chair will be on implementing new changes aimed at increasing the public’s ability to participate in Board Meetings.

“The changes that were made to the Board meetings during the pandemic kept people safe but came at the expense of unlimited public access to our work,” said Supervisor Hahn. “As chair, my goal is to increase the public’s ability to participate in our meetings and weigh in, in real time, on policies the Board is considering.”

Starting this Tuesday, Hahn will change how public comment is taken during Board meetings. Rather than all public comment being taken together at the beginning of the meeting and limited to 90 minutes, as has been the practice during much of the pandemic, Hahn will take unlimited public comment on each item when it is considered by the Board.

Hahn is also adding an additional monthly board meeting dedicated to Public Hearing items.

Members of the public interested in participating can either come in-person to the Hall of Administration or participate virtually by calling (877) 226-8163 and using participant code: 1336503.

Other changes will include inviting a local veteran to lead the pledge of allegiance, and a resident to deliver an invocation at the start of every meeting and including a land acknowledgement recognizing the First Peoples, thanks to the recent passage of a motion authored by Supervisor Hilda Solis and co-authored by Supervisor Hahn.

Hahn will serve as Chair of the Board until December 2023.

To get real-time updates on agenda items voted on during every Board meeting follow  @lacountybos on Twitter.


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