Congresswoman Judy Chu Endorses Gil Cisneros for 39th District Congressional Race

(image credit:Cisneros for Congress )

Fullerton– The Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA-27), endorsed Fmr. Lieutenant Commander Gil Cisneros who is running for Congress in California’s 39th Congressional District on March 30. Chu, who represents the neighboring 27th Congressional District, highlighted Cisneros’s commitment to women’s rights.

“Donald Trump and Republicans have been actively trying to undermine the rights of women,” said Chu. “Gil will stand up for women’s health and rights in the workplace when he gets to Washington. I know that he will be a strong advocate and always support a woman’s right to choose. Gil will fight for equal pay for women, paid family leave, and to prevent insurance companies from charging women more than men.”

Chu’s endorsement adds to a truly impressive coalition of support including SEIU California, United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), UniteHere! Local 11, United Steel Workers, twelve Democratic members of Congress, more in-district local elected officials than any other candidate running, women’s rights champion Dolores Huerta, Fmr. U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, the Giffords Campaign to End Gun Violence, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus’s BOLD Pac, End Citizens United, and the national Veterans advocacy organization VoteVets.
(image credit:Cisneros for Congress)
Cisneros, a Navy veteran, won a $266 million lottery in 2010 and used a large chunk of that money to launch a foundation that provided scholarships and other assistance to first-generation college students from impoverished neighborhoods.
California’s 39th Congressional District, split between Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties, will be one of the most competitive districts in California. Hillary Clinton won the district by a whopping nine points, the DCCC labeled it a first-round target on its battlefield map and recently, the Cook Political Report changed the district’s status from Lean R to Lean D.


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