Phillip is a small businessman who owns and operates a successful property management company.
He is also a dedicated public servant who has helped protect our community from crime, taught at two universities and helped save tax dollars.
Phillip is a former Reserve Sheriff’s Deputy who volunteered his time as a Reserve Sheriff Deputy to ensure his community stayed safe. In 2009, he was recognized as the Walnut/Diamond Bar Sheriff’s Station as the “Reserve Deputy of the Year.”
Appointed to the Governor’s Office of Criminal Justice Planning by Pete Wilson, Phillip worked on legislation to protect foster children, prevent gang violence, and fight drug abuse.
While serving on the staff of conservative County Supervisor, Mike Antonovich, helped save tax dollars and improve delivery of services by fostering public-private partnerships.
As Walnut Valley Unified School District (WVUSD) Trustee, Phillip helped turn the district’s budget deficit into a budget surplus and established a “rainy-day” fund. The WVUSD is one of the highest academic performing districts in both the state and nation – with a 909 API score and 99% graduation rate.
Phillip earned his B.A. in Communications from California State University, Fullerton; and both a Master’s in Public Administration and Doctoral of Educational Psychology from the University of Southern California. He also served as an Adjunct Faculty Professor at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy.