OC Supervisor Katrina Foley Testifies in CA Senate Transportation Subcommittee Hearing on LOSSAN Rail Corridor

Orange County Supervisor Katrina Foley

ORANGE COUNTY, CA –Today, Orange County Supervisor Katrina Foley, who serves as a Director of the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), testified at the California Senate Transportation Subcommittee hearing titled, “Tracks to Tomorrow: Maximizing the Potential and Safeguarding the Future of the LOSSAN Corridor.”

Supervisor Foley represented OCTA and the County of Orange while providing testimony on the section of the tracks that run through San Clemente. Supervisor Foley emphasized the need for proactive long-term planning for the corridor, while recommitting the short-term solutions being pursued by local governments which include sand replenishment and bluff stabilization.

“The LOSSAN Corridor is critical infrastructure for Orange County’s $14B tourist economy, small businesses, commuter traffic, and national security,” said Supervisor Foley. “Decades of neglect from policy makers placed us into this difficult situation of an eroded coastline, but we have a responsibility to do what we can to stabilize the LOSSAN Corridor while long term solutions are evaluated.”

“In parallel with long-term, potential relocation planning for our coastal rail, the County and OCTA remain committed to reinforcing our last line of defense: our beaches. In partnership with OCTA, cities, and local experts, Orange County is developing adaptation solutions to stabilize the shore,” continued Supervisor Foley. “We need the support of the State and Federal governments to: cut through the bureaucratic red tape that can delay our short-term stabilization efforts, mitigate the impacts of climate change on our coastal communities and economy, and streamline routine sand replenishment and maintenance programming.”

San Clemente landslide on the rail tracks. OCTA


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