“Never Forgotten, Always Appreciated”
By Joe Luu
On March 29th, 2023 at the Bear Valley Country Club in Victorville, CA more than 100 Vietnam Veterans were recognized for their commitments and sacrifices. March 29th marked the 50th anniversary of the United States’ last day in the Republic of Vietnam. The day is called National Vietnam War Veterans Day. On this day March 29th, 1973, the last combat troops left the Southeast Asian country. Many proud veterans attended with their combat unit patches sewed on their hats and jackets to showcase their duty stations during the war. They were accompanied by their loved ones. Dignitaries from the Twenty-First Senate District and Twenty Third District were there to greet and take photos with these heroes.

Rick Bui, a Vietnamese American, who was one of the coordinators behind this memorable occasion said “Although I am not a veteran, I feel like I can still contribute to these men and women who sacrificed themselves 50 years ago”. Bui was just a one-month-old baby when his parents escaped Vietnam on a dangerous 10-day sea voyage to Hong Kong. Later the Buis were transported to New Orleans, Louisiana where they made that city their new home. “I am thankful for these service members for what they did half a century ago. In fact, many service members came back from the war and were not greeted as heroes at U.S. airports” proclaimed Bui. Rick ended his honoring speech with how he tried to become a good citizen in America by having a secured job, and that he is now married with two grown children.

Thomas Yee, a combat engineer who was drafted in 1968 to fight a war in Vietnam recalled “When I returned home. As we landed and exited our plane, people spat on us at the door. These antiwar protesters called us baby killers, etc. I wanted so bad to kill these people on the spot”. “I appreciate what people are doing now to honor those who were called to serve their country even though we did not have a choice like my comrades and myself. This country has learned from its mistakes in the past, thank you for this special evening” cried Yee.

Robert Read, a Vietnam Veteran now at age 80, was the main organizer of the event. He served as an infantry soldier when his country called on him for his service. Mr. Read honored not only those at the ceremony but also those who never made it back who included POWs, prisoners of war, and KIA, those killed in action. He held up his champagne glass and toasted to the crowd and said “Let’s not forget those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice, never forgotten”.

Joe Luu, a Vietnamese American veteran who served during the Operation Iraqi Freedom campaign was the Master of the Ceremony, MC, of the evening. Joe who is a comic shared some stories of his parents climbing into a wooden small boat with limited food and water. People did not have enough room to move around for days. The refugee boat nearly capsized when the excited refugees saw Hong Kong after 10 agonizing days at sea. “Everyone moved to one section of the boat to see the glares of Hong Kong during the night retold by my mother” explained Luu.

Joe joked that thank God, these Vietnamese people were skinny people, if they were big and heavy like Americans, we would be capsized. People at this event will be laughing at a hologram of Joe instead. He continued “Thank God, we only had fish heads and dried vegetables, not greasy burgers and American pies”. The crowd laughed to his jokes. Joe reiterated to Mr. Read that he did not serve in vain but instead he is highly appreciated by the Luu family. Joe turned to Robert and addressed the crowd, “Thanks to all of you, I am now the father of two sons, Bruce and Lee. You guys and gals did not waste your time in Vietnam. I guess I am somewhat kind of special. I am the father of Bruce and Lee”. The crowd cheered with laughter again . Joe was given three certificates for his Army service by the San Bernardino County and members of Congress.

Joe Luu was followed by a professional comedian named Ace Guillen. Guillen has performed on HBO series, Improv Comedy, and Carnival Cruises. He finished the event with jokes and stories using his musical talent. The crowd can be heard laughing and applauding. Some members were hysterically laughing with tears. That evening, the veterans were also entertained by DJ Steve Colucci and an upcoming college band from Victor Valley College.
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