L.A. County Assessor Prang Sworn in to Second Term, Promises Continued Reforms & Modernization

Los Angeles – On Monday, Assessor Jeffrey Prang was sworn in for a second term as the 27th Assessor of Los Angeles County before a crowd of more than 500 friends, family, officials, and staff.
In his remarks, Prang highlighted successes attained since taking the helm at the Assessor’s office four years ago, including technological modernization and lowering backlogs in new construction processing and assessment appeals. Prang’s also thanked his staff for their commitment to public service excellence and lauded this year’s record-breaking Assessment Roll value while noting simultaneous savings to a record number of veterans, homeowners, and non-profit organizations.
“I am excited for what the next four years will hold as we complete the technological innovation of the Office, bring new vision to our public service, and continue to dedicate ourselves to the people of this County,” said Assessor Prang.”
The Oath of Office ceremony at the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration, emceed by former State Assemblymember Mike Eng, also included County Board of Supervisors Chair Janice Hahn, Superior Court Judge Dean Hansell, Rabbi Denise Eger, Abbe Land of the Women and Girls Initiative, and Grammy-nominated singer Jonathan Grier and the Tribe of Judah.
Assessor Prang stated, “We have achieved many of the tasks we set for ourselves four years ago, demonstrating definitively that the Office of the Assessor is an agency of which both its employees and the public can be proud.
He continued, “The oath I took today signifies my continued commitment to fulfill the pursuit of excellence in public service; to lead the way so that others may follow; and to improve the quality of life for all families in the County.”


  1. Starting in early November 2021, the Assessor’s Office has refused to respond to emails, letters and phone calls asking them to fill out a Form 84. A Form 84 must go to the Tax Collector’s office when a property is mistakenly reappraised. My property was wrongly reappraised to market value. An audit of this mistake was made and a letter stated it was a mistakee. No Form 84 was sent to the Tax Collector’s office. Thus, the Tax Collector appraised me $15,000 in taxes I didn’t owe. I now have delinquent taxes I can’t pay and can have my home of 40 years sold out from under me (despite being disabled). I was never notified my home was reappraised or even sent a tax bill in 2021. I only found out about delinquent taxes as I investigated on the Internet. Then, even that information was removed for awhile and the public couldn’t do an Internet search. This is criminal negligence. I hired a property attorney with years of experience dealing with Los Angeles County’s taxing and assessing departments. Even he can’t accomplish anything.


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