San Bernardino–
On Saturday, January 14, 2017, at approximately 6:51 p.m., deputies from the Highland Station responded to multiple 911 calls reference two males shot in front of a residence located in the 7000 block of Newcomb Street. Upon arrival, deputies found Miguel Martinez and Joaquin Martinez suffering from gunshot wounds in front of a residence. Emergency Medical Personnel responded to the location and determined Miguel and Joaquin were deceased as a result of their wounds. Investigators from the Sheriff’s Specialized Investigations Homicide Detail were requested and assumed the investigation.
Investigators learned there was an argument earlier in the day between subjects at Vaile’s residence and the Martinez’. The argument did not lead to a physical altercation and everyone returned to their residences. Shortly before 6:51 p.m., the argument started again between Vaile, subjects at his residence and the Martinez’. This argument resulted in Miguel and Joaquin Martinez chasing Vaile and the other subjects into Vailes residence. Vaile attempted to shut and secure the front door of his residence but was overcome by the Martinez’. After forcing their way into the residence, the Martinez’ were joined by several other members of their family and assaulted several subjects inside of Vaile’s residence. Vaile armed himself with a rifle, and shot Miguel and Joaquin Martinez while they were inside of the residence. Immediately following the shooting family members moved Miguel and Joaquin out to the front yard, prior to deputies arrival. Two females inside of the residence were transported to a local hospital for injuries sustained during the incident. One female suffered a gunshot wound to the right forearm. The second suffered contusions and lacerations as a result of the assault.
Based upon the current, known circumstances of the investigation, investigators from the Sheriff’s Homicide Detail requested the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office to respond to the location. Sheriff’s investigators and the District Attorney’s Office determined the current known circumstances of the investigation did not support the filing of charges against Vaile, at this time. Investigators are aware of several subjects from both residences who left just prior to or immediately following the assault and shooting. Sheriff’s investigators and the District Attorney’s Office believe these subjects may have information crucial to the ongoing investigation. Investigators are currently attempting to locate these subjects and ask that they contact investigators as soon as possible.
The investigation is ongoing and anyone with information related to the investigation is asked to contact Detective Brian Chambers or Sergeant Jason Radeleff at (909) 387-3589. Anyone with information wishing to remain anonymous is encouraged to contact We-Tip at (800) 78-CRIME or via their website at The investigation will be forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office for a criminal review when it is concluded.