Houses of Worship and Other Nonprofits May Apply for Federal Public Assistance
LOS ANGELES – FEMA Public Assistance (PA), which supports the repair and replacement of publicly owned infrastructure and buildings damaged in disasters, also assists private nonprofit (PNP) organizations, including houses of worship and other faith-based organizations that provide certain social services.
Private nonprofits and faith-based groups that were impacted by the Los Angeles County Wildfires may be eligible for Public Assistance to help restore their damaged or destroyed facilities. To apply, they need to submit a Request for Public Assistance, or RPA, by Sunday, March 9, 2025. Organizations are also advised to apply with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for a low-interest disaster loan.
Request for Public Assistance (RPA)
If a PNP wishes to request reimbursement for costs related to damage and losses from the wildfires, it must submit a RPA to FEMA online via the FEMA Grants Portal by March 9. Follow these steps:
- Obtain a unique entity identifier, or UEI, at, the official website for entities registering to do business with or apply for grants or loans from the federal government. For information on obtaining a UEI: visit or
- Go to the FEMA Grants Portal at, and click on “Register your Organization and Request Public Assistance” (at the bottom of the opening page). Fill in the requested information about the organization.
- After the RPA is submitted, FEMA evaluates a PNP’s nonprofit status and the services it provides to determine whether it is eligible. After the state and FEMA have approved a request, the applicant receives a system-generated email that the RPA has been approved. The organization then may submit projects requesting FEMA PA reimbursement for eligible work
Applicant Briefings will be held prior to the RPA deadline of March 9, to acquaint applicants and potential applicants with the PA program. Cal OES and Los Angeles County will send invitations to new and potential applicants. Once scheduled, the date(s), time(s), and location(s) of the applicant briefings will be posted on the Cal OES website under Applicants’ Briefings.
Which Nonprofits and Faith Groups are Eligible to Apply for Public Assistance?
Not all groups will be eligible. FEMA classifies PNP applicants as either “providers of critical services” or “providers of essential non-critical social services.” Providers of critical services, such as hospitals, other healthcare facilities, utilities and various other entities, can submit a RPA with the state and await FEMA’s decision.
Entities that offer essential non-critical social services must take a few more steps. They need to submit a RPA, and also apply for a low interest disaster loan from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), whose deadline to apply is March 10. If they are turned down for an SBA loan, or if the loan amount does not cover the cost of all repairs, FEMA may provide funds to pay for what SBA or insurance does not cover.
Examples of essential non-critical social services include senior citizen or community centers, educational enrichment, daycare, services for people with disabilities, assisted living, low income housing, homeless shelters, rehabilitation services, and community and arts centers.
For PNPs with facilities that provide essential noncritical social services, FEMA provides PA funding for eligible debris removal and emergency protective measures. However, FEMA may provide funding for permanent work costs that a SBA loan will not cover.
Houses of worship and other nonprofits are encouraged to file a Request for Assistance, or RPA, as soon as possible,