California Secretary of State Announces More Than 5 million California Voters Signed Up to Track Their Ballot

Sacramento, Calif. – Today California Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D., announced that more than 5 million registered California voters have signed up for California’s ballot tracking service “Where’s My Ballot?” to receive automated notifications about their vote-by-mail ballots by email, text (SMS), or voice call.

“Signing up for ‘Where’s My Ballot?’ is one of the most prudent steps Californians can take to protect their vote,” Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber said. “Every active, registered voter was sent a vote-by-mail ballot for the General Election, and ballot tracking plays a critical role in strengthening transparency, accountability, and voter confidence during this unprecedented election. All California voters can quickly and easily sign up to track their ballot at”

“Ballot tracking is available statewide, and we are seeing an incredible adoption rate. Voters who have already signed-up should encourage their friends and family to do the same,” Weber added.

Voters who sign up for “Where’s My Ballot?” receive automatic updates when their county elections office:

  1. Mails the voter’s ballot.
  2. Receives the voter’s ballot.
  3. Counts the voter’s ballot.
  4. Has any issues with the voter’s ballot.

Voters who sign up for “Where’s My Ballot?” also receive communications from their county elections office about important election deadlines and critical updates such as polling place changes.

VIDEO: “Where’s My Ballot?” tool

Voters unsure of their voter registration status can quickly check it online at:

Important Dates

  • Ballot drop-off locations opened on October 8, 2024. A complete list of drop box locations can be found on the Secretary of State’s Early Voting and Vote-by-Mail Ballot Drop-off Locations webpage at
  • Vote centers opened for early in-person voting in 29 California counties on October 26, 2024.
  • Mailed vote-by-mail ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by November 12, 2024.

Information about county elections offices can be found at

Upcoming California key dates and deadlines for the November 5, 2024, General Election can be found at

The November 5, 2024, General Election Calendar can be found at


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